Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I've been battling with one of the worst headaches I've ever had in my life, and I've been fighting it since Sunday night. Teaching kids on Monday and Tuesday was an uphill battle, and it got to the point where I had to call in sick today.

I went to the doctor's office today to see what was up with this long lasting headache, and told the doctor my symptoms, that Tylenol had not been helping, and that I'm somewhat worried because it has been going on for days. The doctor's response was pretty infuriating; all he did was take my blood pressure and tell me something along the lines of, "there are many causes of headaches, like drinking, smoking, eating spicy foods, eating salty foods..." while smirking.

First of all, I'm not hungover. Secondly, a lot of Korean food isn't as spicy as Koreans like to claim--I can handle your (sometimes bland) food, you arrogant asshole. Why didn't the doctor take my temperature at least? Or examine my swollen, blood-shot eyes? Or show some concern as I've had this headache since Sunday. Instead he brushed me off with a prescription for 12 sets of four pills to be taken three times a day. I'm not sure what the pills are or what they'll do, because the pharmacy will never give me any information on what I'm taking, not even information in Korean. (After some google-fu, I found out one of the pills is acetaminophen...I told him Tylenol was not helping!) Korean doctors love to throw medication at health problems in hopes of making the problems go away, as shown by the many, many, many pills other foreigners have been prescribed. I've also seen Korean kids having to take five or six pills at a time when they're sick. I'm just surprised I didn't get a shot in the ass, as that is most common when going to the doctor's, no matter what the health issue might be.


Vanessa said...


Cindy said...

man. i feel your pain. old korean people have got to be some of the most arrogant assholes on this planet. if you need a better hospital to go to, there's a great english-speaking doctor at ilsan christian hospital near seomyeon. i've been there many times and she's great.

Unknown said...

I wonder if they're just trying to get rid of you with a script because they think "strangers" are too demanding or too stupid to notice they're given tylenol.

On the other hand, a lot of people probably are hyper concerned about minor, but annoying issues. I thought I had skin cancer, lipomas or lipocarcinomas when it was just really bad hives.